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Word: Brain Dump

Definition: Putting all the knowledge you have about a particular topic into a document.

Example: Before the employee left the company, his manager asked him to share a brain dump on steps to cover his tasks.

Related: knowledge transfer

Usage of "Brain Dump" by Country

Business English is used in many different countries around the world. Some of the words and phrases listed on this site will be understood everywhere Business English is used, but some words and phrases are only used in specific countries. The map below shows where "Brain Dump" is most commonly used.

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About This Site

Jargonism is a Business English dictionary. You can learn about words and phrases that are commonly used in the workplace like Circle Back, Thought Leader, and Offsite. We also have a Word of the Day, which is a daily Business English vocabulary word that is commonly used in the workplace.

On this site, we also have templates on how to communicate effectively at work, such as requesting PTO, declining a promotion, and taking a sick day.

Word of the Day

Date: 04/27/2024

Word: Close It Out

Definition: To mark something as completed.

Example: This task has been fixed, so let's close it out within the task tracker.