Agbegbe ifigagbaga
Apeere: The finance industry has a cut throat environment.
Trending ọrọ
Ni isalẹ ni atokọ ti awọn ọrọ olokiki, awọn gbolohun ọrọ ati awọn idiomu ti eniyan n wa lori oju opo wẹẹbu yii.
Rank And File
Pls Fix
Monkey Patch
Tribal Knowledge
Sucking All The Oxygen Out Of The Room
Awọn Ọrọ Tuntun Fi kun si Iwe-itumọ
Ṣayẹwo atokọ ni isalẹ fun awọn ọrọ tuntun ati awọn gbolohun ti a ṣafikun si aaye yii.
Brag Folder
Slacking Off
Ọjọ: 01/16/2025
Ọrọ: Close It Out
Itumọ: Samisi nkankan bi o ti ṣe.
Apeere: This task has been fixed, so let's close it out within the task tracker.