Jargonism är en affärsengelsk ordbok. Lär dig vanliga ord och fraser som används på arbetsplatsen.
Datum: 02/11/2025
Ord: Close It Out
Definition: Markera något som gjort.
Exempel: This task has been fixed, so let's close it out within the task tracker.
Datum: 02/10/2025
Ord: Put Some Time on Your Calendar
Definition: Boka ett möte med någon.
Exempel: I think we should talk about the project in more detail next week. I'll put some time on your calendar where we can discuss how to make the project a success.
Datum: 02/09/2025
Ord: Happy Path
Definition: När man designar ett system är detta den förväntade vägen en användare kommer att följa.
Exempel: The user did not follow the happy path, but unexpectedly clicked on a button at the bottom of the page. When the user clicked the button, the site didn't work as expected. We only tested the happy path, but we should have considered what would happen if the user did something else.
Datum: 02/08/2025
Ord: Have An Ask
Definition: När en person ber en annan person att göra något.
Exempel: When you have time today, I have an ask for you. I need to get a link updated on our marketing site. Please let me know if that is possible to get done.
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Golden Age
Customer Ask
Walk Them Up The Ladder
Criticism Sandwich