Gbolohun sọ nigbati o yọ eniyan kuro lati okun imeeli, ki eniyan naa ki yoo gba awọn idahun ọjọ iwaju si okun imeeli. Ibi-afẹde naa ni lati yago fun iṣalaye awọn apo-iwọle eniyan pẹlu awọn apamọ ti ko wulo.
Apeere: Thanks for the intro. To spare your inbox, I'll move you to BCC and circle back with a summary of the next steps.
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Ọjọ: 02/05/2025
Ọrọ: Close It Out
Itumọ: Samisi nkankan bi o ti ṣe.
Apeere: This task has been fixed, so let's close it out within the task tracker.