Itọsọna lati tọka si awọn ile-iṣẹ imọ-ẹrọ wọnyi bi ẹgbẹ kan: Microsoft, alfalhet, ati apple, ati Amazon. Meta jẹ ile-iṣẹ obi tuntun fun Facebook ati Instagram, ati ahbidi jẹ ile-iṣẹ obi fun Google.
Apeere: MAMAA companies are known for hiring a lot of software engineers and paying salaries that are top of market.
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Ni isalẹ ni atokọ ti awọn ọrọ olokiki, awọn gbolohun ọrọ ati awọn idiomu ti eniyan n wa lori oju opo wẹẹbu yii.
Drip Feed
Reduction In Force
Awọn Ọrọ Tuntun Fi kun si Iwe-itumọ
Ṣayẹwo atokọ ni isalẹ fun awọn ọrọ tuntun ati awọn gbolohun ti a ṣafikun si aaye yii.
Cheap Money
Walk The Ramp
Ọjọ: 01/16/2025
Ọrọ: Close It Out
Itumọ: Samisi nkankan bi o ti ṣe.
Apeere: This task has been fixed, so let's close it out within the task tracker.